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  • Do I have to replace my existing gutters to install gutter guards?
    No, you do not have to replace your existing gutters to have Gutter Pro installed.
  • How much rain can your gutter guards handle?
    Up to 22" of rain per hour.
  • How much wind can your gutter guards handle?
    120 mph head winds.
  • What if my roof is damaged?
    The Gutter Pro gutter guard is manufactured in 5' sections. If a portion is damaged, contact us and we can replace those pieces for you through our FREE 10 year maintenance and warranty program.
  • How thick is Gutter Pro USA™'s aluminum?
    The gutter guards are made of .027 gauge aluminum.
  • How far apart do you put the screws?
    We place screws every 12 inches because it prevents bowing during temperature changes.
  • How does Gutter Pro hold up in snow and ice?
    The patented bracket can handle up to 300 lbs of pressure.
  • Can small animals get into my gutters?
    Gutter Pro guards have end caps that prevent animals from getting inside the gutters.
  • What if my roof is not a standard shingle?
    Gutter Pro can be customized for any home.
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